Fees will be charged on the 1st or 15th of each month. While registering, you will select if you would like to be charged on the 1st or the 15th. Once you have selected which date your payments will be charged on, the Coast Academy reserves the right to charge monthly tuition amounts on your selected date.

Monthly payments are averaged into 10 equal payments to taken from September thru to June. 

In order to secure your placement, you must provide either your bank information for automatic withdrawals, or a credit card number. If you are choosing automatic withdrawals, you will supply your bank information when you submit your registration form. If paying with credit card, you will need to call our office at 604-885-2263 to submit a credit card number. If you would like to pay with cash, arrangements will also need to be made through our office. Placement in your classes is not guaranteed until a payment method is received. 

All credit card payments will incur a 3.4% service charge (plus 15 cents per transaction)  

All students will pay a registration fee of $35. Payment is due upon registering.  

All competitive students will pay administration fees of $40 per groups, and $120 per costume. There are no additional registration fees for solos, duos, or trios. Payment is due upon registering. 

Refunds are not given for missed classes unless there is a valid medical reason verified by a physician. 

There will be additional fees for year end performance costumes which will be charged in the spring. You will be notified prior to payment being taken. The studio has the right to charge payment three days after you have been notified. Costs typically range from $30-$60 per costume. 

Fees must be up to date in order for students to participate in any performances or competitions. 

There will be a $25 NSF fee for all insufficient payments. 

There will be a $20 change fee for any accounts that incur multiple class adjustments throughout the year. 

All fees are subject to GST. 

If registering for a summer or spring break camp, one week’s notice is required to make a withdrawal. If a withdrawal is made after this deadline without a valid medical reason, refunding of tuition will be done at the studios discretion. 

One month’s written notice (in the form of an email addressed to info@coastdance.com) is required to withdrawal from any classes.